Saturday, 13 February 2016

EU: Don't get fooled again!

Watching George Galloway and Nigel Farage talking European Referendum on RT's Sputnik this morning, brought together the two British politicians with whom I have the most, and least, in common, to discuss the one subject that I am definitely least certain about.

RT have yet to upload the broadcast, so perhaps you can enjoy this instead while reading on.

They also have the rare distinction of being two of Britain's most eloquent and honest politicians, so it should be no surprise, that I was persuaded by their arguments to leave the EU on many points, and can unreservedly say that there is a convincing case to be made for British exit.

But, and please excuse the illusion, but this really is a huge but; there is more to staying or leaving Europe at this time, than at any other, in over 300 years.

We are no longer talking about political niceties or our perceived loss of sovereignty to the EU Commission, what we are (or should) be talking about today, is the very end of Western Europe as we know it.

That may sound extreme, but it is becoming ever more imminent the less it is talked about, and more likely to happen for exactly the same reason.

So, if George and Nigel were recommending a strategic withdrawal, in the manner of Dunkirk, so that we might recoup and gather our forces, and remain an island fortress; that we were leaving, in order to preserve and defend Western Democracy and Freedom, then I would be even more persuaded to join the impending Brexit.

But these two politicians are the exception, not the rule, and I can only see us left defenceless to the cries of 'We're on our own now, and must make allegiances with our 'other' closest allies'.

Does anyone really doubt that would mean TTIP on steroids, and Saudi petrodollars deciding every single issue in Britain tomorrow, rather than just the half they influence today?

Given the choice, and it may actually come to this, I would choose to fight and die as a European, rather than face a slow, dishonourable death by creeping sharia.

Unlike the Battle for Vienna, we now have the enemy in our midst, thanks in no small part to Frau Merkel, but also our own profligate and corrupt elites.

And that is no exaggeration.

If only 1% of the current undocumented and unknown migrant influx, are committed jihadis (and even the most conservative estimates are much higher); and if only 10% of them are jihadi sympathisers (and again, estimates put the numbers as much, much higher), then, do we, or do we not, have a problem of potentially massive proportions?

So my only question for Nigel and George, is this: Were you really talking about a brave and noble exit from the ravages of European bureaucracy, or were you simply suggesting we join the rats as they depart the sinking ship that we once called Civilization?

Friday, 12 February 2016

My God

With all the fuss surrounding our discovery of the gravitational waves that Einstein predicted almost exactly 100 years ago, a little celebratory rhyming seems in order.

First published during a lively debate on the strangest notion, that, despite the koran's continual railing against Christianity in general, and Christians in particular, there might still be substance to islam's claim to somehow share the same God.

Anyway, this was my contribution, and, while not without merit, it was rushed to meet the deadline and I remained unhappy with an adjacent rhyme in the last two stanzas, so that's fixed, and here it is again.

My God stood there before me, 
And proud, He called my name.
Then showed how I might find Him,
In a single drop of rain.

He helped me when I faltered,
Knocked me down when I excelled,
But stood by my bad decisions
And praised when I did well.

Indeed, my God was crucified,
But life is no more tragic,
For He also walked in Buddha's shoes
And was baptized by St. Patrick.

So when you meet your Maker,
As meet Him we all must,
Prepare to meet a loving God,
Both tolerant and just.

Fear not that He'll chastise you, 
Or ask 'How did you come?'
For His welcome is as great,
As from the Father, or the Son.

My God is Revelation,
The whole that we can know,
And Time & Space no more, than just
His footprints in the snow.

So, with a Universe of questions
You'll ask, but only one,
On bended knee, you'll simply say
'My God, what have I done?'


Friday, 5 February 2016

UK: UNlawful detention

So it's official, the world is upside down.

As a child we used to wonder, what it was like to stand Down Under.

Well now we know, it doesn't feel much different, but nothing looks the same.

So transfixed was I by the morning press briefing (courtesy RT) that I turned up an hour late for work. There was too much to write about just now, but I have to mark the day.

A bevy of uninformed and blatantly biased 'journalists' attempted to draw a rash response from the excellent UN spokesperson who eventually read out the formal statement to them, as if to children who could not read; so rubbish is the reporting that I can't even find his name, but I'll return with a link asap.

One consistent theme of the questioning was that Assange could not be illegally detained, because he entered the embassy voluntarily and could choose to walk out at any time.

The splendid Frenchman kept reminding them, that HMG. has officially declared, Assange would be detained if he left, but they just could not/would not get it.

As a native born Australian, Julian Assange must be struggling with life on the 'upside' of the planet, and I'm sure he has many questions for us, though there's one in particular will be troubling him just now.

So answer if you can: What better definition of prison is there, than a place surrounded by walls and guards, whose job it is to arrest those who try to leave?