Tuesday, 17 March 2020

CV: Winning the War on Bugs.


While the world waits and wonders whether we all die from Climate Change or Coronovirus, there are some very positive signs.

Aside from those who have been taken ill and are suffering, most healthy people seem to be coping with fairly minimal symptoms and we should all hope that situation remains - although most of the partisan media and Globalist politicians appear saddened by this lack of mortality and public disorder.

It's not all bad news.

7. The Economy
The potentially good news is that we still have an economy, despite the determined attempts of the aforementioned media and Globalists, the markets were spectacularly stable with loses little more than common sense adjustments after more than 10 years of QE inflation. One thing is clear, the trading algorithms seem to have been fixed or managed to prevent a total sell off and force exchanges to close until now, at least, and there have even been a few minor rallies so some trading has happened.

But politicians cannot help themselves from interfering, and we are about to see how much damage they are capable of.

It has been noted by many observers that share prices were being maintained artificially high, and the eventual fall would be quick and hard, but the initial tumble has been relatively gentle, however, the effects of ministerial determination to scare the public and to shut down trade, is something that nobody can accurately predict and where we go from here is very much in the balance. Do markets collapse, or hold their nerve? We should soon find out.

8. Gold
Another good sign is that precious metals have not unduly escalated, so panic is not overriding common sense.

When currencies were backed by gold, it made sense for this commodity to rule in times of trouble, but now its intrinsic value is what appears to be determining price, it may even be that the recent years of price manipulation weren't even needed.

9. Bitcoin 
Another indicator that sanity is in control, is the moderate trading in crypto currencies which have previously been the target of much speculation and hype. This is the first time they've been tested in an extreme real world scenario and, again, good sense seems to be the victor.

Bitcoin is an interesting phenomenon, but it's real value is in the underlying technology and Blockchain is where the potential lies.

A way of visualizing this is to imagine when the wheel was first invented and our hero, or heroine, first showed this marvel to a gathering of villagers who immediately set to work producing and distributing wheels, and of course it was not long before wheels increased in price and were hoarded, so to prevent theft the villagers built sturdy huts with stone walls, rather than the usual wooden construction, which became known as wall-huts.

One day a rival tribe arrived in fast chariots and large carts made with wheels, either bought or copied. This was obviously a raid of robbers with ill intent, so the villagers quickly surrounded their wall-huts and vowed that none on their wheels would be stolen, but the raiders laughed and shouted.

 "We don't want your stupid wheels." They then loaded all the villager's crops and livestock onto their wagons, and left the way they had come.

For me, the biggest problem with Crypto lies in its limitations as a store of wealth, which has been ably highlighted in our current predicament. Because when power is down these digital currencies cease to exist, and while it has been observed that in times of extreme crisis Fiat currency is only as valuable as the paper it is printed on and that you can't eat gold, what we have recently discovered is that you can't even wipe your arse with Bitcoin.

When the world's economies are ready it will likely be USCoin, ChinaCoin, BritCoin and the like, that will drive trade while Bitcoin, although remembered with great fondness, will have limited value, not unlike an old vinyl collection of 60s classics.